Index Process


For my website I was heavily inspired by the Sputnick Agency website and its cool collage aesthetic.

Sputnik Design Team Website

I also liked the look of the Youtube rewind website and how they used horizontal scroll. I thought it created a unique user experience that we don’t see very often.

Youtube Rewind Website

I wanted to recreate this in my own way but incorporate my love for story telling. The goal was to have my index be an overall representation of who I am and my style. To execute this I decided to make it look like items from my purse have spilled out. I like the idea of different items symbolizing different aspects from class. Plus, some items are a story in itself. I’ve also seen scanner art on social media and liked the overall chaotic, yet intentional look. The vision for my index was to be a conglomeration of various items around my house that would represent different projects yet encapsulate my experimentave style. The scanned images would add a handmade aspect to the work and create a cohesive and dynamic look.

Scanner Art TikTok Inspiration

moodboard of inspiration for design
Moodboard for my design



I organized a list of all the things I needed to include on my index and started collecting items around the house. At first, I scanned various items that represent just myself to get an idea of how the overall website would look. Then I scanned a bunch of them and there was a lot of trial of error with lighting and positioning until I was content.

Digital Folder of scanned images
These are various items of items from around my house that I scanned


Then I edited the images to be transparent background png files and uploaded them to Figma. I recreated the relative sizing for the page and how I would want them to recreate a scattered look.

For page oranization, I combined my readings to make it a more seamless experience for the user. I also decided to include an about page so viewers can get a sense of who I am as a designer. The links page is also a basic page with links categorized for different uses. To sort the process pages, I put the links all in one page so the user can choose which process they want to view first. I also did this so I could represent all 4 project process with one image. These pages all utilize the Sometype Mono Typeface because I wanted the miscellaneous pages to have an analog design like they were written on a typewriter. I thought it would make it recognizable that they are a grouping of other pages but also add a personal touch like a letter.

I also thought about how I wanted to incorporate animation and custom fonts. I saw one of my classmates interaction project and really liked the custom cursor they had. I recreated it in Figma to get a visual sense. The typeface of the cursor is the Google’s NovaSquare font. I liked the rounded edges and angles of the sans serif typeface that gave it a futuristic tech feel.

Figuring out the layout through Figma


I started by grouping all my pngs into a class so they can be together. I also gave the imgs id attributes to make the styling more specific. In CSS, I had to give specific measurements since the original files are like 3000px. I also changed the x and y overflow so that it was just a horizontal scroll. The background image is a scan of the scanner with nothing on it to recreate the texture. As I was placing the images, I originally intended to have them be positioned randomly every page refresh but opted against this because I like having the order of assignment groupings be consistent. This would make it easier for the user to navigate if they catch on to the pattern.

For the cursor I followed a Youtube video that taught me how to animate a cursor to have spinning circular text. To split the words into separate characters I used a splitting cdn link. To create the animation I used a link from the GSAP animation library. I adjusted some of the script to troubleshoot and change the rate at which it moves with the cursor.

Youtube Tutorial
GSAP library Link
Splitting CDN Link

The Icon's Meanings

About: Red Journal

This is my personal scrap journal and it’s filled with a bunch of items like tickets, wristbands, stickers, fortune cookie slips, and more. I like that the cover is vibrant and playful like my own artistic style. It also has a Mom’s Spaghetti sticker on it as an homage to my home in Detroit, Michigan. This journal is a visual collective of who I am.

Readings: 1984 Book

I chose the book 1984 from my collection because it felt relevant with the loose theme of technology and how it can be used. Although, this book is more about surveillance and political oppression, it’s ideology around data reminded me a little bit of Data as a Symbolic Form. The juxtaposition of the IMW reading and 1984 shows that data plays such a crucial role in our lives and can be used to either have a personable user experience or a form of patrolling.

Links: Chain Necklace

The chain necklace was a fun visual representation of the links that I used throughout my time in class. I liked the idea of breaking up the square shaped images with something more fluid like a necklace.

Storybook: AGO Map

The storybook is represented by an AGO map I had in my scrap journal. I chose it because it encompasses the story of the art museum coming to life.

Poster: Tarot Card

In the world of tarot, the Justice card symbolizes equity and the truth and law. I thought this would be perfect for my poster design of the Black Panthers film festival screening.

Interaction: Newspaper

My doom scroll project evolved around the idea of sourcing negative headlines from a world news API. This newspaper was perfect to encapsulate the constant negative headlines that give us anxiety.

Grid Exercise: Frame

The frame is a scanned image of a mini artwork magnet I had on my fridge. I thought it would be quite fitting for the recreation of famous paintings.

Fonts and Animations Exercise: Cut Out Letters

These are also magnets from my fridge. I liked these because it’s a playful way of displaying a project about typography. I also enjoy the collage look to it.

Flexbox Exercise: Magazine

The Flexbox exercise reminded me of a newspaper or magazine column. I found this page in a magazine and thought it worked well since the foundation of the design is heavily based on columns.

JavaScript Exercise: Markers

I chose these markers because they matched the colors interaction portion of the exercise. It also made me think as if the interaction results in coloring in the background with the corresponding color.

JQuery Exercise: A deck of cards

The deck of cards symbolizes jQuery as if each card represents a different function. Similar to various combinations, the cards work together to create a playable hand. Each card (or jQuery function) plays a unique role, contributing to the overall success of the project.

Responsiveness Excercise: Mobile Phone

To represent my responsive website from desktop to mobile, I scanned my phone and photoshopped the meme that I used. It’s a literal visual of what the website would look like on a mobile screen.

JSON Exercise: Money

For this assignment I use an api to create a currency converter. To best represent this I utilized a crumpled dollar bill.

Favicon Exercise: Flowers

The flowers are to resemble the favicon on my index. The flower favicon is a personal logo of mine to brand my name.

Process Work: Journal notes

To show the process work I scanned a storyboard for the first project. I like how the texture from the real journal showed up on the website.